Singing loud for Grêmio@headingTag>
From national anthems to good old fashioned terrace chants that have been passed down from generation to generation – music is as much a part of football as the ball is.
Songs, lyrics, and chants – some sincere, many hilarious – tell stories that make up an intrinsic part of club identity. That identity belongs to nobody but the fans that know them off by heart… and sing in unison from the same place week in week out.

To celebrate this unique aspect of the game, we teamed up with Brazil's Grêmio to call upon supporters to share their favourite club anthems. Supporters rallied on social media and entered their favourite songs as comments on campaign posts shared across @umbro, @umbrobrasil and club social media channels.
The jersey features unique artwork designed by Killa Villa focusing on the lyrics to popular club song 'Grêmio eu te don vida'. This particular song refers to the passion, pride and heart of the supporters and how much the club means to them.
Supporters can purchase the special edition jersey now via Stay tuned for more unique jersey's from Santos FC and Rugby Union side Castres Olympique coming very soon.